Thursday, January 1, 3018


Welcome to DS Lite WOW

The Nintendo DS Lite is a fantastic handheld gaming system and I want to share my experiences with you. This is not a "history of" because there are already some great Wiki pages and sites to explore if you're on a Nintendo fact-finding mission. My aim is to provide an answer for the following questions. The answer I provide in many cases will not be the only option, as there are several paths to follow - it will at least offer some practical insight into the world of the DS Lite. 

  • Can a broken DS Lite be repaired? 
  • What steps are involved in repairing a broken DS Lite?  
  • What are the most useful accessories for a DS Lite? 
  • How can I access the internet on a DS Lite while maintaining my router's Wi-Fi security? 
  • How do I back up my game cartridges? What do I need to install? How do I install it?
  • Internet Access - Are there any real benefits in being able to access the internet on a DS Lite? 
  • How can I upload or download any type of file from the DS Lite via Wi-Fi connection? 
  • What is the maximum SD Card capacity is supported for my R4 card? 
  • Homebrew Emulators – How do I install them and where do the ROMs need to be saved? 
  • Homebrew FTP – Can I edit the host IP Address in the config file directly on the DS Lite without having to remove the cartridge and load the Micro SD card into my computer? 
  • How do I add new themes to the R4 Card and where do they need to be saved? 
  • What else can my DS Lite do? 

I hope these pages help you on your journey and I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Launching the Blog

For the month of January 2018, I plan to launch the blog and decide the best layout for the content.  Further images to be added afterwards.

Monday, January 1, 2018

About Me

I was introduced to the wonderful world of the Nintendo DS Lite when my kids each received one as Christmas presents in 2012.  They were fun to play and it was great to know I could gift DS games and accessories for upcoming birthdays.  We built up a nice games collection. 

It wasn't long before I became acquainted with Nintendo DS Lite Repair when one DS Lite stopped powering on.  I bought a tri-wing screwdriver set and started bidding on faulty DS Lites on eBay to get replacement parts as cheaply as possible.  Carrying out a DS Lite Repair was my first chance to get my hands on it for long enough to appreciate the quality of the design, innovation and originality Nintendo demonstrated in 2006 when the DS Lite was first released.

I heard about AceKards and R4 cards but I hesitated buying one.  Later I found out sales have been banned in the UK, on eBay and Amazon, too.  There were plenty of overseas vendors for cards with dodgy websites, often lacking contact details, and the cost of a decent sized micro SD card was discouraging.  I would occasionally read about homebrew and wonder if it is really worth the investment when used games can be purchased on eBay so cheaply.  As the collection grew I found myself getting tired of finding cartridges down the side of the sofa bearing in mind we have several cartridge cases for storing when not in use.  I even found a Lego LOTR cartridge in the dryer – thankfully it still works!

I bid on a cheap untested DS Lite for parts and won an auction.  I charged it and incredibly there was nothing wrong with it, so that became my very own fully working DS Lite!  I would spend most of my game time playing Brain Training, More Brain Training, Sudoku and puzzle games.

Then, everything seemed to come together in early 2017.  I found a vendor for the R4 Card, based in Ireland who was reputable and reasonably priced.  Micro SD cards have also come down in price, so it seemed a good time to dive in.  If the Homebrew thing was a flop I figured I could always use the Micro SD card in a phone or tablet or something.

I received my R4 cartridge, bought a 32 GB SD Card, started using it and the DS Lite offers so much more opportunity with Homebrew than before.  I am very impressed with what homebrew has to offer, it was my inspiration for starting this blog.

As one of my first purchases in 2018 I bid on a possibly broken black DS Lite.  I am happy to report that once it was charged, it is fully working!  Game On!


Welcome to DS Lite WOW The Nintendo DS Lite is a fantastic handheld gaming system and I want to share my experiences with you. This is...